The Essential-Liberalism Manifesto

A Nonpartisan Document Outlining the Foundational Principles of Liberal Democracy

About the Author

The idea to write a concise document outlining the essential principles and practices characteristic of liberal democracy came to me in early 2007, nearly 10 years after completing my formal education—a bachelor’s degree in political from UCLA and a law degree from UC Hastings College of the Law. My aim in writing The Essential-Liberalism Manifesto was to clarify for a broader audience what liberal democracies largely stand for. Although there are dozens of liberal democracies around the world, they have somewhat different forms of government, legal systems, etc., yet they also share a great deal in common. I saw a need to compose a document that would highlight all those commonalities and serve as a statement of core beliefs for citizens in those societies who value the twin ideals of liberty and democracy.

The fact that I have no political affiliations or aspirations lends this unique document added credibility. Moreover, though I launched this effort on my own, I believe that good input can make almost anything better, so I invite you to send in your suggestions for improving the Manifesto, which I will incorporate in future revisions. I would also love to hear from you if you are using this document in an educational setting (it is suitable for advanced 11th and 12th graders studying government, as well as college students). Post your thoughts on the discussion forums, or reach me directly by email at:
Elib[at-symbol]gmx[period]com (my email is masked in order to prevent spambots — use @ and . instead of brackets)

Dean Michaels
Los Angeles, California


Page last updated: March 18, 2011